Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A few notes

*February 25th is Ash Wednesday. Church services begin in the sanctuary at 6:00 PM.

*Make your appointment for the Church Directory. You can do this online at www.riverchaseumc.org

*Our new study books are in. The title is Christianity's Family Tree. The books are $8.

Have a blessed week!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

DINKS BLOG: www.rumcdinks.blogspot.com
“...but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4


President Soldiers Missionary: Bee in Cambodia Peace throughout the world
Church Staff Members in our class struggling with infertility Natasha, our Sudislaval orphan we support

PRAISES: Praise that Nicole Collier’s mother found new employment and starts Monday.
Praise that Kelly Randall’s sister found a new job as well.


Bryan Bargainer: Pray for a safe pregnancy for Melanie who is carrying triplets.
Bob Blakeney:Pray for healing for his Uncle Reid who fell out of a deer stand.
Sara Blakeney: Pray for Stephanie & Casey Alums, adopting little boy from Guatemala. Pray all finalizes soon.
Pray for neighbors, Barry & Rebecca, who are adopting a 12 year old boy who is an Ukranian orphan. He’s came
12/20/08 for a 3 week stay. Pray all goes well & adoption can be finalized soon.
Pray for a friend Sam & her mother as they grieve for her father/husband, John Woodham.
Pray for their family as they care for Grandmother who has dementia. Pray they can find ways for her to stay at home.
Casey Blythe: Pray for Uncle Pat whose cancer has returned. Pray for encouragement and pain mgmt.; dr. visit in January
Lincoln Clark: Pray for better health for a student of his, recently diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.
Nicole Collier: Pray for employment opportunities to open soon for her father and brother.
Greg & Kelly Ellis: Pray for wisdom and strength in their dealings with Kelly’s father struggling with financial problems & avoiding arrest.
Pray for their relationship with Greg’s parents, for peace and how to best deal with them.
Kimberly Fain: Pray for the family of a girl on her soccer team... the father was recently laid off from his job.
Pray for health and peace for Annie Cunningham, 34, single mom of an 8 & 5 year old, battling cancer for 4th time.
Kim Gossett: Pray for the family of a co-teacher’s niece: the mother (niece) was killed and her 1-year-old son, Bailey is fine; her 3-year-old son, Harris, is in serious condition. Pray for them as they heal and adjust to life without their mother.
Pray for two students at school were in a car wreck. One died, the other has brain injuries. Pray for Zwack family that lost their child and for Stewart family whose child is in ICU. Pray for students, teachers & friends grieving.
Chad Henderson: Pray for his brother, and others, who are working in areas that have been devastated by the ice storms in USA.
Kristin Henderson: Pray for her father, Scott Marshall, as he continues chemo; pray it will be effective.
Cindy Hipp: Pray for grandfather, Brinnon Mahan, whose condition is worsening and he may have to go back to the hospital.
Pray for her grandmother, Dollie Hansford, who had to have other leg amputated 11/24/08; also,as she grieves for son Keith.
Matt Hodges: Increase prayers for friend Wesley, who was sober for 1 year but relapsed. Pray for freedom from addiction.
Michelle & Dustin Jowers: Pray that God would help them to conceive and have a child.
Pray for Dustin’s brother & wife who want to adopt a child... a little girl is due in to be born in Feb.; pray all goes well.
Pray for Dustin’s dad: battled cancer since 2003 & is taking chemo, & for God’s comfort as he grieves for his wife.
Brian & Emily McLendon: Pray for leg-strengthening program daughter Mary will start soon, that she’ll do well & handle it well.
Pray for Amy & Herb, close friends, going through marriage issues. Praise they are moving in right direction.
Matt Morris: Pray for all those effected by the current economic situation.
Vallie Pate: Pray for friend’s father who has Stage 4 cancer; pray for healing for him and peace and strength for his family.
Pray for high school friend going as a missionary into Cambodia to help rescue children enslaved in prostitution.
Aaron & Kelly Randall: Pray for Aaron’s relatives that have no power due to the ice storms in their area.
Pray for the youth on Discovery weekend & for all the workers & for God’s blessings!
Pray for peace and comfort for Aaron’s friend who lost a friend to suicide.
Pray for peace and comfort for another friend whose 2-year old daughter passed away 1/2/09.
Pray for friend, Ashley Green, whose husband died at age 32. she has a 1 year old child.
Pray for Aaron’s grandmother, 94, who has memory loss…for God’s peace & comfort for all of them.
Kelley Romonowski: Pray for her grandmother who has Parkinsons and is having good and bad days.
Ashley Ross: Pray for her friend’s sister who is preg. with first child... child may have trisomy 18. Pray that doctors are wrong.
Randy Snuggs: Pray for Gracie Ann Poole, 1 yr old, who has been very sick but is improving now.
Harris Wheeler: Pray for Kelsey Jones, 16 yr old single mom, was hospitalized twice with drug abuse, & for wisdom for her parents.
Pray for Chuck Straley, friend and ex-employee , who had quadruple by-pass; he’s also searching for rel. with Christ.