Monday, March 30, 2009

Prayer requests...

“...but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4


President Soldiers Missionary: Bee in Cambodia Peace throughout the world
Church Staff Members in our class struggling with infertility Natasha, our Sudislaval orphan we support

PRAISES: Footprints Breakfast raised over $1,400 for the ministry to families of babies in the NICU.

Bryan Bargainer: Pray for a safe pregnancy for Melanie who is carrying triplets.

Melanie Bargainer: Pray for safe travels for Ella and Bryan traveling to Disneyworld.

Bob Blakeney: Pray for Mitch Schuster, physician friend, who is recovering from a brain infection. It will be a slow recovery.
Pray for healing for his Uncle Reid who fell out of a deer stand.

Sara Blakeney: Pray for Stephanie & Casey Alums, adopting little boy from Guatemala. Pray all finalizes soon.
Pray for neighbors, Barry & Rebecca, adopting a 12 year old Ukranian orphan boy. Pray adoption can be finalized soon.

Leigh Booen: Pray for daughter, Audrey, battling repeated ear infections & tubes falling out. Pray for total healing.

Leslie Clark: Pray for school team member, Sally, whose 4-year old daughter, Olivia, was molested by her ex-husband.

Nicole Collier: Pray for her talk with the youth about Footprints Ministry....& that they’ll enjoy ‘stuffing sacks” for the families.
Pray for help and solutions for friends having marriage difficulties.
Pray for Jana Womack, BP issues, 37 weeks preg, & had C-section 3/19/09, that all will be well with mother & child.
Pray for Tyesha Jefferson, whose 3 month old son passed away. He was a “Footprints” baby in the NICU.
Pray for employment opportunities to open soon for her father and brother.

Patti Dodson: She will be having jaw surgery for TMJ April 1st. Pray for great success!

Greg & Kelly Ellis: Pray for Kelly’s brother, Beau, and wife Brittany who went into early labor in Wash. D.C. - now 25 wks. Pray for baby Gaines to stay in womb; for Beau as he commutes to DC, & their 17th mo. old at home .
Pray for Kelly’s g-ma who has cong. heart failure; pray she’ll do well in rehab. and regain strength.
Pray for wisdom and strength in their dealings with Kelly’s father struggling with financial problems & avoiding arrest.
Pray for their relationship with Greg’s parents, for peace and how to best deal with them.

Kimberly Fain: Daughter Allie’s friend, Madison, loves church & Discovery weekend & wants to be baptized. Pray her parents agree.
Pray for the family of a girl on her soccer team... the father was recently laid off from his job.

Kim Gossett: Pray for the family of a co-teacher’s niece: the mother (niece) was killed and her 1-year-old son, Bailey is fine; her 3-year-old son, Harris, is in serious condition. Pray for them as they heal and adjust to life without their mother.
Pray for two students at school were in a car wreck. One died, the other has brain injuries. Pray for Zwack family that lost their child and for Stewart family whose child is in ICU. Pray for students, teachers & friends grieving.

Kristin Henderson: Pray for her father, Scott Marshall, battling cancer & has had 3 heart attacks. Pray new experimental drug
works well in fighting the cancer so that he can get to remission.

Cindy Hipp: Pray for daughter Lauren, battliing C-Diff again, as well as recovering from ear infection. Pray for good health to return.
Pray for grandfather, Brinnon Mahan, whose condition is worsening and he may have to go back to the hospital.
Pray for her grandmother, Dollie Hansford, who had to have other leg amputated 11/24/08; also,as she grieves for son Keith.

Matt Hodges: Pray for his brother Adam who has serious issues in his life, but is finally seeking help for them. Pray for the ability to
do what it takes to rid these issues from his life and come closer to God in the process.
Increase prayers for friend Wesley, who was sober for 1 year but relapsed. Pray for freedom from addiction.

Michelle & Dustin Jowers: Pray that God would help them to conceive and have a child.
Pray for Julie Monroe, who has a heart condition, that she will be able to determine the next steps to take.
Pray for Dustin’s brother & wife who want to adopt a child... a little girl has been born & they are waiting to bring her home.
Pray for strength for Dustin’s dad who has battled cancer since 2003 & is taking chemo.

Will & Kelly Landess: Pray for Will’s step-brother, Alan who needs a kidney soon to avoid dialysis.
Pray for other step-brother, Mike, who may suffer from same disease as Alan, but refuses to be tested; pray for courage for him to get tested.

Brian & Emily McLendon: Pray for relatives, The Parks, having marriage & health difficulties...pray for healing in all areas!
Pray for Clay, 5-year-old son of friends, Amy & Herb. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Pray for all.

Matt Morris: Pray for all those effected by the current economic situation.

Vallie Pate: Pray for friend’s father who has Stage 4 cancer; pray for healing for him and peace and strength for his family.
Pray for high school friend going as a missionary into Cambodia to help rescue children enslaved in prostitution.

Aaron & Kelly Randall: Pray for peace and comfort for Aaron’s friend who lost a friend to suicide.
Pray for peace and comfort for another friend whose 2-year old daughter passed away 1/2/09.
Pray for friend, Ashley Green, whose husband died at age 32. she has a 1 year old child.
Pray for Aaron’s grandmother, 94, who has memory loss…for God’s peace & comfort for all of them.

Kelley Romonowski: Pray for her grandmother who has Parkinsons and is having good and bad days.

Ashley Ross: Pray for her friend’s sister who is preg. with first child... child may have trisomy 18. Pray that doctors are wrong.

Brad and Courtney Snuggs: Pray for the Sizemore Family’s 20-week ultrasound to see if their baby’s kidneys are enlarged; they lost their first baby to enlarged kidneys at 20 weeks.
Pray for Kimberly Bingham who had a tumor removed last week.

Randy Snuggs: Pray for Gracie Ann Poole, 1 yr old, who has been very sick but is improving now.

Harris Wheeler: Pray for our son Paul who left for the Army Monday.
Pray for Kelsey Jones, 16 yr old single mom, was hospitalized twice with drug abuse, & for wisdom for her parents. Her parents just discovered that she’s pregnant again.
Pray for Nancy Mader (client’s wife) who had knee replacement surgery 3/10/09.
Pray for friend in bible study, Jimmie Harvey, who has aortic aneurysm and had valve replaced last week... pray for full healing!

Keep up with Kathryn Ellis’s progress on her blog,
Pray for healing for Evan Thomason, 6-year old, with neuroblastoma. See Pray
for his family as they travel back and forth to Memphis, TN, weekly for his chemo treatments.

Bryan & Melanie Barganier: Pray for their triplets due mid-June, 2009.

Men’s Disciple Group, meets various Matt Hodges, 862-8924, for dates & times.
Playgroup: meet at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. For info contact: Emily McLendon,
Ladies Bible Study: 10 a.m. Mondays. Childcare available. New study: “The Frazzled Female”
For info contact Ginger Hodges, 515-4924 or Sara Blakeney, 424-6682.

UPCOMING EVENTS: May 13th: DINKS serve Wednesday-night dinner at RUMC. 4:45 - 6:30. Set-up, servers, and clean-up help needed

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